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Saturday, 15 March 2025
A Virus Threatens Freedoms and Globalization!
Mohammed Khalil

Several countries have taken stern measures to prevent Coronavirus from spreading. These initiatives also place substantial restrictions on the free movement within and between countries. Many states have triggered laws of emergency; others have gone beyond that by triggering laws of defense that come close to martial laws. Freedoms 

In general, these measures have negatively affected some human rights, but most people did not object to this, as they considered that these firm measures safeguard their most important right, the right to life.

Specialized international organizations, including the World Health Organization, emphasized that such rigorous steps are the only way to counter the spread of the disease, which legitimizes such measures and makes them acceptable to almost all. Freedoms 

In the last decade, we have seen the emergence of conservative interests at the expense of liberal and social groups in many nations. People’s fear of competition from outside the border for job opportunities was one of the most significant reasons for the success of these movements. Citizens have elected groups and people who reject the concept of freedom of movement as a means to counter the concerns of refugees and migrants entering their countries. In other words, citizens have chosen the political forces that call for the closure of borders to restrict the movement of labor. Such movements were nothing but populist, nationalist forces.

In the United Kingdom, for example, people's fear of foreigners competing with them for jobs and access to health care was a significant justification for politicians to gain influence in favor of exiting the European Union.

The political powers that call for restrictions on freedom of movement, which are hostile to migrants and refugees, will not miss the opportunity to benefit politically from the Corunavirus crisis Such forces would claim that the cause of the disease spread was mainly linked to an indulgence in freedom of movement, and the weak health sector was the product of its tiredness due to the large number of non-citizens who had drained it over the years. Unfortunately, this argument may find many supporters.

The main concern is that radical nationalist forces will take advantage of the Corona crisis and move on to decision-making positions, and that they will take advantage of people's temporary acceptance of negative liberty measures to make extensive use of them. Freedoms 

The world after the Corona epidemic can find itself under the rule of forces that believe in isolation, reject freedom of movement, reject the human side of globalization and seek to separate their people from the rest of the world. This form of policy is aggressive and can trigger significant global tension. This is what history has taught us.
