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Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Taliban fire shots to disperse an anti-Pakistan protest in Kabul

Taliban fire shots to disperse an anti-Pakistan protest in Kabul

The TASS reported according to the France Press news agency report on Tuesday that...

Sustainable management of Africa's forest could secure climate resilient future

Sustainable management of Africa's forest could secure climate re...

The Xinhua news agency reported, experts said on Monday that sustainable management...

Canadian Prime Minister hit by stones during campaign stop

Canadian Prime Minister hit by stones during campaign stop

The BBC reporetd, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been hit by gravel thr...

Amnesty International: Syrian refugees who returned home suffered abuse and torture

Amnesty International: Syrian refugees who returned home suffered...

The Arab News reported, Amnesty International said Tuesday, a number of Syrian refu...

Mohammed bin Salman launches 15-year project to revitalize historic part of Jeddah city

Mohammed bin Salman launches 15-year project to revitalize histor...

The Arab News reported, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman launched an ambitious 15-y...

Johns Hopkins University: Number of COVID-19 cases in US exceeds 40 million

Johns Hopkins University: Number of COVID-19 cases in US exceeds...

The Xinhua reported according to data from the Johns Hopkins University, the total number of COVID-19 cases in t...
