Russian governor: Ukrainian forces shell Zhuravlevka village near shared frontier

The We For News reported, Russian governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said on Thursday (Apr 14), Ukrainian forces have now shelled three villages in Russia’s Belgorod region. The area is under a state of emergency and the settlements, near the border, are being evacuated. The attacks caused damage to buildings and wounded an unspecified number of civilians.
Gladkov said on Telegram: “Our village of Zhuravlevka was shelled from the Ukrainian side. There is damage to homes and community buildings.”
Gladkov initially said he had “no information about injuries or deaths,” but later revealed that there were wounded among the residents.
Zhuravlevka is near the two country’s shared frontier. Two other border villages, Spodaryushino and Bezymeno, also came under artillery fire earlier on Thursday. Residents were evacuated and there were no reported injuries.

Authorities in the Bryansk region – also bordering Ukraine – reported two attacks. Two Ukrainian helicopters allegedly launched rockets at the village of Klimovo, some 40 km north of the border, shortly after noon. The attack injured seven civilians, including a child.
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Russian border guards said that a short while later, Ukrainian mortars apparently opened fire on a group of 30 or so refugees attempting to cross into Russia at a checkpoint south of Klimovo. Two civilian cars were damaged, but no one was injured.
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The We For News pointed out that the series of artillery and air attacks comes after the Russian Defense Ministry warned Ukraine against such actions. Bringing up unspecified incidents of sabotage and attacks inside Russia, the ministry’s spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov said the Russian armed forces will “strike at the decision-making centers, including Kiev – something we have so far refrained from,” if the attacks continue.
Source: wefornews
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