The Syrian Revolution and Its Challenges... The Danger of the Mullahs of Tehran

The Syrian revolution has triumphed and brought joy to the people of our nations and the free people of the world, despite the animosity of our enemies and adversaries. The matter is settled, and Syria and its people are entering a new era that meets the aspirations of Syrians. This era will define not only the features of Syria but also those of the entire region. It is obvious that when a revolution succeeds, those who are harmed or fear its repercussions and effects will oppose it. In the Syrian case, the stubborn triumph of its revolution has caused the greatest harm to the Mullahs of Iran, as they were humiliated and swept out of Syria after having assured themselves, infiltrated, and controlled Syrian territories, smoothly leading to Lebanon without any hindrances. They had important keys in their hands that served their sectarian (dream) project for which they spent billions of dollars and sacrificed the lives of their top leaders, such as Nasrallah, Soleimani, and Mugniyah, among others.
Attempts to undermine the victory of the Syrian revolution emerged openly and audaciously from the first week. Their leader, who taught them sorcery (Khamenei), called on his followers to initiate a counter-revolution, awakening their dormant cells to rise against the revolution. Likewise, his foreign minister (Araghchi) took a similar stance, ranting and threatening shamelessly, claiming that the Syrian revolutionaries came to destroy civil peace through their connection with the global imperialism that supports them. This provoked weak souls, leading to anti-revolution protests in several Syrian cities at a calculated and coordinated time, to the extent that it led to exchanges of gunfire in some prepared and ready pockets, resulting in casualties on both sides. The result was a resounding defeat for the Mullahs' loyalists and the fleeing followers of Assad. In reality, these agents would not have dared to mobilize and confront had it not been for the tolerance exhibited by the leadership of the revolution since the beginning of its overwhelming victory under the leadership of Mr. Ahmad al-Shara, who seeks a homeland that accommodates everyone. He addressed all components of the Syrian people in a language far removed from the concept of revenge.
It later became clear that the limited understanding of these followers could not rise to the level of the civilized language they were addressed with. This led to uprisings and confrontations in multiple cities until the revolutionaries confronted and pursued them. Many were arrested while others fled, and the pursuit of their remnants continues. It has been reported that anyone possessing weapons must surrender them to the state within a short period; otherwise, they will face severe punishment.
The discourse of peaceful coexistence that the revolution leadership, through its leader Mr. Ahmad al-Shara, launched since liberating Syria from the clutches of the Mullahs of Iran and the fleeing Assad was a message that rose above all faults and accusations, leaving a positive echo internally and externally. However, the remnants of Assad and the centers loyal to the Mullahs of oppression did not absorb the resounding defeat they suffered. They continued to dream of returning to the status quo, hoping to maintain control, exploit Syria, and meddle in its affairs while undermining its security and stability.
Anyone who fairly follows the developments will find that the Syrian revolution, thanks to the awareness of its leadership, has been able to elevate itself to meet the needs of the current stage and its necessities. The presence of remnants and their subordinate movements, along with their ability to act counteractively, is nothing but a distortion of the Syrian revolution's victory that cannot be silenced or ignored. The snake always has a soft skin, but within it lies the deadly poison. Thus, it has become clear beyond any doubt that one of Syria's top priorities today is to fortify the revolution against the schemes of the treacherous, whether from across the borders to cut off the paths of the Mullah's tails and their mercenaries, and to maintain the revolutionary "red eye" within until matters stabilize and reassuring security is achieved for a people worn down by war. It also emphasizes the safety and correctness of the path in action and dealings, to eventually secure a dignified life adorned with social justice and the desired prosperity after the long-awaited birth of freedom, and after enduring an unbearable toll of oppression that cannot be overlooked with forgiveness.
Some remedies I prefer involve the cauterization and elimination of the Mullah regime from existence, and burning its traces is the only solution for the region. To complete the victory of the revolution in Syria, it is necessary to eradicate the Mullah plague in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, and ultimately Yemen.
Dr. Mustafa Abdel Kader
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