The U.S. Administration and the Policy of Appeasement with the Iranian Regime

Noise without substance in the Middle East; media noise and hollow slogans that cloak the tools of destruction in the region. As for the roar of the U.S. administration regarding the Middle East, it will only include the Arabs, while the Iranian mullahs remain within the scenarios and maneuvers previously discussed by President Trump.
From the womb of destruction and suffering, a new fate is born for the peoples in Turkey and Palestine, and a new dawn will rise in Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, and Yemen, just as it emerged in Syria, even if the duration is prolonged and the colonial demolition plans intensify. From the fields of death and destruction, life is reborn anew. Thus, we have seen the scene with maturity in reading history, through observation, experience, and lived reality. Anyone who cannot see the sun through a sieve is blind and misled.
**A Look at History and Some Facts in the Middle East**
The world was not composed of nations but was divided into sprawling spheres of influence over their lands for this nation or that, united by the factors of homeland, history, language, and heritage. The Arabs did not govern themselves since ancient times, starting from the era of Cyrus the Great's Persian Empire, during which the issue of the Jews was declared, and until before the Islamic era when the Persians, Abyssinians, and Romans shared control of Arab lands and regions. Then came Islam, saving them from ignorance and its ugliness, honoring them, uniting their fractured communities, and raising their status. They became a great nation under the banner of Islam—an ummah of Arabs, Turks, Persians, Kurds, Amazigh, Tajiks, and various Caucasian nations that joined under the banner of Islam. Together, they began to shape the Islamic nation and history, expanding to the east, west, north, and south in a way that drew significant attention from their enemies and opponents. This thinking led to the demise of the Andalusian state, the state of Muhammad Ali, the Ottoman Empire, and its Qajar counterpart, both of which ruled the Islamic world. By their destruction, a new global map could be drawn, which began with the Ottoman Empire and the seizure of Palestine from it, then the destruction of the Qajar and the fragmentation of the entire region afterward.
Some observers of the events in the Middle East, including myself, believe that the tools of demolition in the region began more than a century ago when the British demolished both empires with a new political system in Turkey after Sultan Abdul Hamid accepted the occupation of Palestine and the division of the region into small states as gifts distributed based on the capabilities of close allies. In the end, the Arabs became states rejoicing in their new borders after having been a large nation composed of several unified regions with strong ties, even if they were under non-Arab rule from the Ottomans, Mamluks, or Albanians. The British also destroyed the Qajar state in Iran with Russian assistance, bringing the system of Shahanshahi and placing a soldier from the Russian and British armies at the head of this system, empowering him on the ground and expanding his authority. It is no surprise that the emergence of both systems in Turkey and Iran is a natural consequence to fulfill the promises of Balfour and their government, while also redrawing the fate and future of the region in a way that serves their interests and those of their allies. The intent behind the destruction of the Ottoman Empire and the emergence of a new political structure in Turkey, canceling its historical identity, and handing over Palestine to the occupier, was to subjugate an entire nation. The destruction of the Qajar state and the establishment of the Shahanshahi and the mullah regime were meant to exhaust the Arabs. The eight-year Iran-Iraq War was not sufficient to eliminate Iraq's rising power, leading it to another, more destructive war—one followed by a siege, occupation, and the devastation of Iraq, which was handed over as a gift to the Iranian mullahs, who wreaked havoc and expanded from its territory to Syria and beyond. With Iraqi funds, the Iranian mullahs financed their expansionist projects and their militias in Lebanon, Sana'a, and Iraq. It is tragically ironic that they rob Iraq of its wealth only to hand it over as "rights" from their hands to the hands of their mercenaries, both Iraqi and non-Iraqi. Moreover, they impose financial, security, and military policies on Iraq, where their soldiers have control.
The noise raised in the Middle East is not new, nor have colonial plans ended. Demolition tools have deep roots, beginning with the Crusades and continuing through French and British campaigns until a new colonial policy emerged, draining the wealth of peoples without the need to mobilize armies or spend heavily on them. There are no longer wars that a single country bears alone .
Mohammed Al-Moussawi
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