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Tuesday, 11 March 2025
U.S. pushes to suspend Russia from Human Rights Council as it committed war crimes in Ukraine

U.S. pushes to suspend Russia from Human Rights Council as it com...

The US News reported, citing Reuters, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations...

Zelenskey confrims Russian actions in Ukraine make negotiations harder

Zelenskey confrims Russian actions in Ukraine make negotiations h...

The Guardian reported, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskey visited the...

UN pledges to free Somalia from threat of explosive hazards

UN pledges to free Somalia from threat of explosive hazards

The Xinhua reported, the United Nations on Monday reaffirmed its support for fre...

Lavrov announces visa restrictions for citizens of 'unfriendly' countries

Lavrov announces visa restrictions for citizens of 'unfriendly' c...

The Anadolu Agency reported, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced on...

Significant summit and low point of terror

Significant summit and low point of terror

In another week when the world was rightly focused on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, an unprecedented Middle Eas...

Russia condemns Polish comments on readiness to host nuclear weapons

Russia condemns Polish comments on readiness to host nuclear weap...

The US News reported, citing Reuters, the Kremlin on Monday condemned comments b...
