Anti-racism training in Wales to boost ethnically diverse teachers

Teachers are being given anti-racism training in Wales as pupils have spoken of their experiences of racist bullying and feeling isolated in schools, the BBC reported.
Pupils who spoke to BBC Wales described their experiences of racist bullying, with one saying he wanted "everyone to feel safe", while a teacher spoke of feeling alone, and hoped the training would help.
"I have experienced racism at school,' said Ifan, a pupil at Ysgol Glantaf in Cardiff.
"I think it's still going on in the younger years. I think it's more a lack of education than being cruel.
"If we can educate the teachers and the younger pupils, it will reduce - it will make a huge difference I believe," he added.
The BBC said that Wales is the first UK nation to make the history of Britain's colonial past mandatory in school lessons.

Welsh government figures show that for the 2021-22 academic year, of the 26,600 teachers in Wales, 25,915 of them said they were white.
Education Minister Jeremy Miles said more needed to be done to attract an ethnically diverse range of teachers.
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Around 1% of teachers in Wales say they are black, Asian, or from other or mixed minority ethnic backgrounds, according to the 2021-22 school workforce census.
In terms of pupils, for the 2021-22 academic year, 350,842 said they were white British, while 51,128 were from other ethnic backgrounds.
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