In the footsteps of the EU, Britain looking at easing travel restrictions

As Countries in the European Union last week agreed to an easing of travel restrictions over summer, Britain is now following the same footsteps, including allowing those who are double vaccinated against COVID-19 to enjoy a foreign holiday without intrusive red tape, a step that indicates vaccine passports are firmly back on the agenda. travel restrictions
Britain, whose vaccination programme has seen more than half of adults receive both doses of COVID-19 vaccine, wouldn't rule out any of the steps to re-open travel, meaning will allow fully vaccinated tourists to avoid tests or quarantines.
Financial Secretary to the Treasury Jesse Norman said that nothing was ruled out in considering how to re-open travel, but they would be cautious in introducing plans for so-called "vaccine passports". travel restrictions
He told Sky News, "We are trying to move cautiously and progressively in the right direction so I wouldn't write anything off at this point," adding that the virus was not something that could be controlled, "(So) it would be imprudent to make any carte blanche or... firm statement now."
British officials are sill working on whether any new process would be limited to returning Britons or apply to all arrivals. And although it allowed international travel to be resumed last month, however Britain excluded countries open for quarantine-free holidays.
Under the current traffic light system, travellers returning from green list countries take COVID-19 tests but do not need to quarantine. Amber country arrivals must self-isolate, and red country arrivals must quarantine in a hotel. Countries on the amber list include Spain, France, Italy and the United States. travel restrictions
Source: Devdiscourse
Image source: ANI-Devdiscourse
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