Infiltration into the Iranian regime's intelligence, security, and nuclear systems!

In recent years, a series of events have taken place in Iran, which initially were considered as a weakness of the regime's security organs such as the Ministry of Intelligence, the Revolutionary Guards Intelligence Organization, police, and other parallel security organizations such as the one under supervision of Mojtaba Khamenei ( son of Ali Khamenei) overseeing activities of all political figures. nuclear systems
But with the repetition of these events, some of the regime’s leaders expressed concern about the influence of foreign agents in the same security systems. Of course, the regime's initial reaction in all these cases was at first to deny or diminish its importance, but the dimensions of these events were so extensive that they were forced to admit them after a while.
These events began with the assassination of Iran's nuclear scientists. In a relatively short period, four of the regime's elites’ nuclear scientists were killed by unknown individuals in various ways, without any of the assassins being arrested.
However, as a cover-up the incompetence of the security apparatus, the regime's Ministry of Intelligence claimed that they had arrested the perpetrators of the assassination and brought several people to television who admitted and took the responsibility for the assassinations, but it was later revealed in regime’s factional feud that these individuals all were ordinary prisoners who were forced to confess under torture and with false promises.
One of these people, Maziar Ebrahimi, was able to leave Iran after a while, exposing the regime's false claim and explaining how he got 600 lashes and had his leg broken under torture to force him to accept the charge in front of the TV camera. nuclear systems
Then, on July 2, 2020, there was an explosion in Natanz's uranium enrichment site, destroying an important part of the facility along with its centrifuges. No one was arrested in connection with this explosion, and it was said that the bomber had fled Iran.
Not long after, the news of the theft of secret documents related to the regime's nuclear research from a warehouse on the outskirts of Tehran was published, and it turned out that the volume of documents was so large that they were taken away by several cars.
Later, on November 27, 2020, the regime's most important nuclear scientist, also known as the father of Iran's nuclear program, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who, according to Revolutionary Guards officials, had a 12-member security team was assassinated. Again, after this incident, conflicting news about how this assassination was carried out was announced by various organs as well as Fakhri Zadeh’s sons. Some said, “a couple of teams of enemy personnel took part in this operation”, some other said, “the operation was carried out by satellite, and no one was present at the scene”, and ... again, without any of the assassins being arrested.
They then stole information about the regime's space agency by piercing the roof of the space agency's office and opening a safe containing documents. Again, at first, the regime denied it, calling it an ordinary theft without explaining what the ordinary thieves were looking for in the space agency building! nuclear systems
Then there was another explosion in Natanz site on April 21, 2021, destroying hundreds of centrifuges in the bomb-proof basements, which experts say would take at least nine months to rebuild and caused several billion dollars in damage.
The latest in these series of attacks was a drone strike on a regime centrifuge factory near the city of Karaj in mid-June, which some sources say caused severe damage to this center. Again, the regime initially claimed that the attack was on the Coronavirus vaccine factory next to the building, but later was revealed that the target was a centrifuge factory.
All these incidents show not only the weakness of the security apparatus but also foreign agents’ infiltration in these organs, who have easily and successfully carried out all these operations without even a single person being arrested.
As Alireza Zakani, head of the Research Center of the Iranian Parliament, said, "Spies are moving freely in Iran."
Mohsen Rezaei, secretary of the regime's expediency council and one of the presidential candidates, acknowledged some of these events on April 14th and said," The country has experienced widespread security infection, and for example, in less than a year, three important security incidents have occurred, two explosions and one assassination.”.
Former regime President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also said in a video interview that the top person in charge of dealing with spies in the Ministry of Intelligence was himself a spy.
And now Ali Younesi, the former Minister of Intelligence, says that the security organizations parallel with the Ministry of Intelligence, instead of combating the infiltration of foreign spies, are controlling, and combating insiders, which has opened an opportunity for the world's intelligence services to infiltrate and today we are right to be worried for everywhere and everything that happens. He even advised regime leaders to be concerned about their own safety.
All these facts point to a corrupt regime whose leaders, contrary to their ostensible claims and pretending religious sanctification, because of moral corruption and their greed for material gain have fallen into the trap of other countries' spy agencies and work for them. Not only do they not care about Iran's interests, but their only concern is the anger of the people and their uprising to overthrow the regime. nuclear systems
Aware of this fact, Khamenei’s intention to appoint Raessi as president is not to counter the influence of foreign forces and to protect and care for the country, but to further suppress and control the Iranian people.
As Ahmadinejad said in his recent speech, “instead of using security cameras to guard important centers of the country and protect these places, the security forces have installed cameras and are controlling my house”.
It is obvious that no country can survive in such a manner for a long time, and it should not take long to witness this regime being toppled by the people of Iran and its resistance. nuclear systems
by: Cyrus Yaqubi levant
Cyrus Yaqubi is a Research Analyst and Iranian Foreign Affairs Commentator investigating the social issues and economy of the middle east countries in general and Iran in particular. levant
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