Survey: Energy crisis could push UK pubs into 'extinction'

Pub landlords throughout the UK have warned that they face an “extinction-level event” this winter amid skyrocketing energy costs. High energy prices are the main cause for concern in the industry.
Nearly three quarters pubs expect to go out of business this winter if no help is provided by the UK Government, according to a poll by pub industry magazine the Morning Advertiser.
The survey also found that two thirds of landlords have seen their utility bills more than double.
More than 65% of respondents said they have seen their utility costs rise by over 100%. Another 30% of pub owners said their bills went up 200% while 8% reported seeing an increase of a staggering 500%. Nearly 80% of owners said they had no way to keep up with the costs.
One pub owner told the Morning Advertiser that “proper support and intervention is needed by the government,” pointing out that “even a 20% increase will be unaffordable, never mind 200%.”

Other owners have also blasted the “ridiculous” situation they are currently in, noting that it’s even worse than “Covid times.” Some are calling for the government to reduce VAT and business rates while others propose introducing a cap on energy prices for businesses.
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The Morning Advertiser says the ongoing energy crisis is now being described as an “extinction event” for hospitality and that unless the government acts quickly, Britain could see thousands of pubs, restaurants, and breweries shut their doors forever.
Ed Bedington, editor of the Morning Advertiser, commented: “This crisis is being described a an “extinction event” for hospitality and that’s no exaggeration. Increases of this kind we’re seeing are total untenable and need to be addressed now, not in a few weeks time when the Conservatives pick a new leader.”
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