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Sunday, 16 March 2025
The horror of the uprising is getting deeper everyday
The horror of the uprising is getting deeper everyday

‌by Hamid Enayat

It’s been more than two weeks since the recent uprising in Iran in overthrowing the regime. We can now notice strategic effects clearly like the uprising hasn’t been terminated yet and we’re experiencing a temporary tranquil which Is normal for any war or revolution and allow us to get pepared for the next step.


Continuation of the open and hidden war of people against the regime

Of course, there is always a hidden war inside the prisons and torture chambers against the Iranian people and their proud children. The torture agents are hardly trying to scrutinize thousands of their blindly captured rebellions as they are bringing them up to TV shoes and market their own triumph of their success in reaching the core of the uprising as if they have discovered the relation of these events with Zionists and Saudi Arabia.


 Apart from these vulgar ads, there’s a small group of people who are able to claim that this uprising has been terminated. Everyone in this government is confessing to the horrors of the ongoing events via their official or non-official tribunes and the fact that the next relevant stages will be more sophisticated than ever. We can see the most of Khamenei’s appointees in Friday prayers have mentioned this fact.


 “These incidents are not avoidable, and these conspiracies will be continued,” Mentions Friday Imam in Ardebil. “The enemy is awake, and we all need to be more vigilant,” He continues.

Khamenei’s Friday Imam in Borujerd also said, “The enemy has been making conspiracy all these 40 years and they won’t stop doing it.”


Rabiee, the speaker of Ruhani’s cabinet, mentioned in a state magazine, “Iran Organ”, issued on October 31, 2019, “It has been a few days after the unrests, but I can’t see any signs that the wound is healing.” He also said, “The biggest evil of our modern days is “our citizens’ unrest and their mental stability. The danger of this feeling for our national safety can be bigger than other threats from inside or outside of this country.”


It seems very funny that in a regime recognizes the United State of America as being their biggest enemy for several years, the speaker of Ruhani’s cabinet talks about another enemy as “Unrest and mental instability of the people” and believes that this is not comparable with any other threats from the inside or outside. He also mentions that If it took 2 years after 2017events to face another uprising, and if we fail to get together with the leadership to find a decent way, I am not sure if there aren’t other unrests in the near future.


“Farhikhtegan” Magazine dated December 1, 2019, also refers to an “army of rebellions” who has been, in fact, a bunch of young adults around 15 to 22 years of age and calls them a “Time Bomb” and says, ”Take this bomb seriously.”  

There is no need to have a great intelligence or acumen to understand that this volcano of an uprising is still alive and will be even more powerful than the previous one. All the factors that urged the previous uprising and pushed the regime to confess to their approaching collapse, are more active and alive now. Most of these factors are as following:


Financial sanctions mentioned in this article by Rabeei who says, “In current circumstances, the American sanctions are still active and, in my opinion, they will be even more aggressive than before.”

Uncontrollable turmoil inside the regime that Is getting irrepressible after the recent uprisings and is reaching another phase. Khamenei’s band has requested a dismissal, an impeachment, a prosecution and a punishment for Ruhani and some of his cabinet members.

Exhaustion and spiritual drooping among the suppressive forces of the regime who are still affected by the volcano of the uprising. There is a sea of hatred and hostility in the society that is floating and at this time the blood of its martyrs has been added into it and has made a bigger turbulent.


Adding to these factors that are more powerful than this particular incident of November 15, 2019, is another main factor that had injected itself into the uprising procedure in Iran. This factor concludes of victories and advances for the people of Iraq which has inflicted heavy and irreparable blows on the regime of Iran, the supreme leader and all of its mercenaries, the same enemies of two nations of Iran and Iraq.


The success of the uprisings in Iraq seems to be the result of the regime’s impact on the people of this country.  Forcing Adel Abdolmahdi, the prime minister of Iraq to resign, has led to the collapse of the corrupted and sectarian Iraqi government. Iran’s regime who knows the meaning of these both evolutions has tried every kind of suppression, conspiracy, and hoax to change the situation but it has resulted in failure every time.


As a result, all of the regime’s tribunes from the media to the parliament and Friday prayers ceremonies are full of mourning and casting grief about the impact and movements of Iraq on recent uprisings in Iran.


This horror is extended to the level that Falahati, the criminal  mullah and Khamenei’s Friday Imam in Rasht, has requested a death execution for the Iraqi rebels and said, “Those who set fire to the consulate are thugs and deserve to be executed because they have come forward to fight with Islam.”


Guardian Shariatmadari, the manager of Kayhan newspaper,  also issued the same sentence on their newspaper published on November 30, 2019, and requested the “Hashdoshabi”,  “ The Iraqi faithful and revolutionary forces of long-lasting epic in removing the ISIS agents and who has carved the name of Hashdoshabi forces on the screen of the resistance border are expected to use every possibility to take care of the Islamic Iraq and keep it out of the hands of the savage and looting enemy.”


But these barking sounds of the lazy dog of “Velayat” is nothing than a pain killer for the Basij forces. The resignation of the prime minister of Iraq means the strategic collapse of the regime when it has no substitute for him.


The other newspapers also have shown their worries about the recent incidents in Iraq and the horrifying effect of these movements on Iran and said that the final goal of these movements in Iraq is the collapse of the religious dictatorship of Iran. Ali Bigdeli,  one of the Iranian experts in the “Jahan-e-Sanat” newspaper mentioned to this reality on its November 30, 2019 edition and said, “There are different messages from these movements which are mostly related to Iran. No matter how long this crisis of Iraq has been going on, there will be disappointing messages about Iran.


He mentioned the anger and dissatisfaction of the rebels as a temporary turmoil and said: “Even though the Iraqi government itself is on the streets, most of the Hashdoshabi forces are trying to suppress the crisis. These issues are obviously leading the events into Iran as well.

But apart from the fact that the bloodshed of Iraqi insurgents is mainly caused by the trained Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force, the important fact is that the Iraqi uprising is not separate from the Iranian one. As the leader of the Iranian resistance has already said, "The same enemy, the same front and the same struggle. From Iran to Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Lebanon, this is the same issue for all of us.