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Wednesday, 19 March 2025
The EU's Syria Fatigue

The EU's Syria Fatigue

Syria, after ten years of tortuous conflict, is safe. That is if you listen to the Danish Government who to t...

Signs that Assad will – one day - be held to account for using chemical weapons

Signs that Assad will – one day - be held to account for using ch...

Last week, largely ignored by mainstream media, there appeared the following story about Syrian refugees in S...

Scottish parties making unrealistic spending promises, warns IFS

Scottish parties making unrealistic spending promises, warns IFS

Institute says health and social care manifesto pledges affordable only by incre...

Review of children’s social care in England ignores role of poverty, says expert

Review of children’s social care in England ignores role of pover...

Prof Eileen Munro says ‘hobbling restrictions’ appear to prevent review from cal...

Boris Johnson is warned of ‘dangerous political vacuum’ in Northern Ireland

Boris Johnson is warned of ‘dangerous political vacuum’ in Northe...

Letter from four former secretaries of state says Brexit’s damage to peace proce...

Minister denies Johnson said ‘thousands’ more Covid deaths better than lockdown

Minister denies Johnson said ‘thousands’ more Covid deaths better...

Ben Wallace says reports Boris Johnson made the comments at No 10 meeting in Oct...
