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Tuesday, 11 March 2025
Riyad Osman and the necessity of art

Riyad Osman and the necessity of art

Originally written in Arabic by the journalist Karim Shafik to his friend the Musician Riyad Osman

The war in Ukraine - Syria and the international community

The war in Ukraine - Syria and the international community

21 Ukrainian children flown to UK for life-saving cancer treatment

21 Ukrainian children flown to UK for life-saving cancer treatmen...

The BBC repported, the health secretary has said that a group of Ukrainian child...

Vladimir Putin signs law allowing remote online vote at federal level

Vladimir Putin signs law allowing remote online vote at federal l...

The TASS reported, according to a document published on the official Russian leg...

Egypt buys 126,000 tons of wheat from Russia, Ukraine as conflict rages on

Egypt buys 126,000 tons of wheat from Russia, Ukraine as conflict...

The Arab News reported, Egypt has bought about 126,000 tons of wheat from Russia...

Rising energy costs send food prices skyrocketing in Denmark

Rising energy costs send food prices skyrocketing in Denmark

The Xinhua reported, according to figures published by Statistics Denmark on Mon...
