The Possibility of Change in Iran is Much Stronger Than Regime Survival!

The Iranian regime is intensifying its frantic attempts in a losing race against time to ensure its survival, especially after pressures from all sides have increased, leaving it in a state closer to despair. The major waves faced by the Iranian regime from the current tide, which sweeps everything along with it, are larger and stronger than its feeble attempts to swim against it. A glance at the decisions and positions taken by this regime, particularly Khamenei's recent firm refusal to negotiate with the United States, reveals that such a sudden decision, while the regime faces acute crises across various fronts, especially economically, necessarily implies that there must be alternatives and options available to the regime; otherwise, it would be a decision tantamount to suicide!
What this regime is doing in response to dire circumstances is not merely a forward escape; it even prefers to evade the truth as a way to deal with those harsh conditions. However, the problem with the Iranian regime is that it behaves like an ostrich, not realizing that it is impossible to conceal overwhelming truths and hide them in this phase, where issues such as the regime's chronic economic crisis, its defeats and setbacks regionally, the rise of organized public confrontation against it, and the existence of an alternative political and ideological force, all place the regime in an extremely difficult position—especially when it makes feeble decisions lacking a solid foundation to guarantee their success, as seen in Khamenei's recent outright refusal to negotiate with the U.S.
Current conditions in Iran are fundamentally different from past scenarios; they are unfolding in a tumultuous and precarious environment, as the regime stands on the brink of the abyss during this critical phase. When dictatorial regimes reach a state of conflict and confrontation at the edge of the abyss, it means they have arrived at a point of no return, with many examples from contemporary history supporting this narrative.
The painful truth for Khamenei and his regime is that the hardest and closest demand to impossibility now is working for the regime's survival. In contrast, the easiest, most realistic, and achievable demand is change in Iran and the collapse of the regime. Undoubtedly, what Khamenei is currently doing resembles an effort to buy time, even if only for a short period, waiting for a development akin to a miracle to cling to and ensure his survival indefinitely. Nevertheless, the rapid developments across various dimensions indicate that they are moving in a direction far from being exploited by the Iranian regime for its benefit.
In reference to the precarious and extremely fragile situation the ruling regime in Iran is experiencing, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, in part of her speech at an international conference held on February 22, on the eve of International Women's Day, stated:
"But the times have changed. Khamenei's war machine in the region has been shattered, and now it is time for the machinery of power and governance within Iran. Freedom challenges tyranny, and there is no doubt that dictatorship is doomed, just as the Iranian people overthrew the Shah along with his entire family and entourage.
The Shah described himself as a ‘god,’ ruling with authority that was officially considered a ‘divine gift,’ but that gift was denied to women, limited to male descendants from generation to generation. He was considered the ‘shadow of God’ on earth.
Today, the Supreme Leader, Khamenei, officially presents himself in his constitution as ‘the Guardian of all Muslims’ and an absolute ruler, appointed as ‘God’s representative on earth.’
But an uprising is inevitable, and the revolutionary dream that Khomeini stole in 1979 (the revolution against the Shah) will certainly reach victory this time organized and planned."
Mir Mohammad
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