UK expects Putin at Glasgow Climate Change Conference

The TASS reported that the Kremlin said on Wednesday that Ruslan Edelgeriev, Russian Special Presidential Representative on Climate Issues and Russian presidential adviser, held a meeting with UK Ambassador to Russia Deborah Bronnert, who was hopeful that President Vladimir Putin would attend the Glasgow Climate Change Conference.
The Russian news website said, the meeting focused on results of the ministerial meeting in London on July 26-27, which exposed multiple disagreements between the countries.
The statement says: "Ruslan Edelgeriev drew attention, in particular, to the concern voiced by numerous countries that the rules of implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreements cannot be adopted at the upcoming conference in Glasgow. However, the advisor positively assessed the British initiatives on carbon markets, as well as forests and other terrestrial ecosystems."

Edelgeriev and Bronnert agreed that the fight against climate change is one of the areas where Russian-British cooperation is possible and necessary.
"Deborah Bronnert also hoped that the Russian president would participate in the Glasgow conference," the Kremlin said. "Ruslan Edelgeriev and Deborah Bronnert agreed to maintain cooperation on a wide range of issues to ensure the success of the Glasgow conference."
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Additionally, they touched upon a draft declaration on sustainable forest and land use, which is supposed to be approved at the conference. Edelgeriev offered his comments and suggestions on the declaration and stressed it was necessary to follow the text and spirit of the Paris Agreement. They also focused attention on forest climate projects to achieve the temperature goals of the agreement.
The UK ambassador showed a keen interest in Russia’s Long-Term Development Strategy with Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions up to 2050.
Source: tass
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