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Wednesday, 19 March 2025
  • Consequences for Those Who Surrendered to the Iranian Mullahs as Sacrificial Offerings Before the Battle is Decided

Consequences for Those Who Surrendered to the Iranian Mullahs as Sacrificial Offerings Before the Battle is Decided
محمد الموسوي  

The Consequences for Those Who Handed Their Necks to the Iranian Mullahs as Sacrificial Offerings Before the Outcome of the Battle

The day the Iranian mullahs sold Gaza, Hamas, and its leadership along with the resistance in Lebanon; a message for those still deceived by the Iranian regime.

It is noble to be a sacrifice for those who deserve it, not for those who have no loyalty.

Understanding the lesson today and returning to the right path is an obligatory duty.

The mullahs sold Hezbollah and Hamas for a trifling price and in a despicable manner. The occupying authorities in Palestine today do not need to eliminate Hezbollah, but rather to push it back into weakness thanks to the mullahs, their spies, and their deals. It is illogical for the occupying authorities to leave the Palestinian Authority without a thorn like Hamas. The occupation in Palestine may aim to weaken Hamas's capabilities, but it will keep it as a thorn in the side of the Palestine Liberation Organization and a hindrance to the project of establishing a Palestinian state once again.

Talking about the mullahs' betrayal of the resistance axis and the selling of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders at that time will not be understood by anyone and will be considered by some as an offense and betrayal. However, today, after some time has passed and emotions have calmed down a bit, looking at the scale of losses and the state of destruction that has befallen Gaza and Lebanon, I believe it has become logical to review what has transpired over the past decades concerning the Iranian regime, its slogans, the reality of its schemes, its interventions in the region, and who helped it achieve these plans. What the velayat-e faqih system has inflicted on Iraq and the region since 2003 and throughout the past year after its conspiracies and the opportunity it provided for the destruction of Gaza, and the selling of Hamas and Hezbollah leadership to the occupier...

The current events in Palestine and Lebanon remind one of the 1980s, where blood was shed in vain, creating disappointment and shame through betrayal, treachery, shallow thinking, and poor judgment. At that time, there were also massacres in Lebanon against Palestinians at the hands of the militias loyal to the mullahs of Tehran. Frankly, after reviewing all the events that have occurred and are still occurring, we do not hide the extent of our concern and fear of outcomes greater than the region can handle, above its capacity and will.

Options are running out, and solutions are becoming difficult. The Arabic proverb "O Maghreb, destroy" fits itself into these events, and here they are, the two teams, Hamas and Hezbollah, casting it into ruin behind them. The picture is dark and bleak, and the international position is more absurd. One cannot read the situation accurately alone, especially in this terrifying state and this complicated file whose repercussions are not only on the shoulders of the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples but on all the peoples of the region, including the peoples of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, after the mullah regime has pushed the countries in the region toward the abyss of wars and drugs, enforcing a logic of power whose costs the West bears for the region.

The state of shattering and defeat that Hezbollah and Hamas suffered due to the betrayal of the velayat-e faqih regime is comprehensive. They pushed the powerless and helpless towards carrying the burden of this defeat after they were struck by the shock and horror of the catastrophe that befell them and their families, as they could not imagine the extent of the meanness and dishonor of the mullahs. Thus, they find themselves facing a grand deception project, having been misled and becoming victims and sacrificial offerings for the mullah empire that provided the necessary conditions to achieve the enemy's schemes directly and indirectly.

The losses are political, organizational, mobilizational, and military. Hezbollah lost the majority of its military and leadership capabilities. As for the remaining mobilization in Hezbollah, it is merely organizational and security mobilization within Lebanon, far from the frontlines of combat. While the party's financial capabilities may still be strong, they are not enough to revive Hezbollah militarily as it once was in the near term. In terms of leadership, the party needs at least five years to confidently reorganize its leadership and organization, and I do not believe that their confidence in the mullahs will remain as it once was nor should it be.

Hamas, which has suffered less loss than Hezbollah militarily and is more resilient despite its weaker financial and military capacities compared to Hezbollah, will today suffer greatly politically. Its current situation leans toward describing it as a military group more than a political entity, and it is now more concerned with preserving its leadership and political leaders. Hamas will continue to fight to avoid losing face in front of the Palestinian people until a ceasefire occurs. In terms of mobilization, its financial capacities alongside the security situation remain at the forefront.

Mohammed Al-Moussawi