US envoy: Syrians face ‘senseless cruelty’ if border is shut

The closure of a final humanitarian border crossing into Syrian could cause “senseless cruelty” to millions of Syrians, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said Friday, renewing a call for the U.N. Security Council to extend authorization for the delivery of cross-border humanitarian assistance. US envoy
U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield made the comments at the end of a three-day visit to Turkey, which included a trip to the Bab al-Hawa border crossing — the sole remaining access point for humanitarian aid to enter conflict-ravaged Syria.
Russia, which is Syria’s closest ally, has limited cross-border transfers of humanitarian aid in recent years, insisting that the Syrian government should control all assistance to the millions of Syrians in need. International crossing points were reduced at Russia’s insistence to the single border station leading from Turkey to Syria’s rebel-held northwest.
Source: AP
Image Source: US Embassy in Turkey via AP
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