establish a special court for foreign ISIS members

European consultations to establish a special court for foreign ISIS members.
Sweden has hosted consultations between representatives of the Interior and Justice Ministries of 11 European countries .
on the possibility of establishing a special tribunal to prosecute foreign fighters who have engaged in fighting in Syria and Iraq.
The representative of Sweden will report to the Council of Justice Ministers of the European Union on Friday in Luxembourg.
Consultations on the category of the nationality of the fighters have not ended
but are supposed to target European fighters who have committed crimes in the ongoing conflicts region.
Sweden suggests that the headquarter of the Tribunal be in a State of the region in order to gather enough evidences, victims and witnesses.
The European countries have taken a step in the repatriation of their nationals. Courts in Iraq have sentenced 11 French nationals to death. This raises a debate in the human rights circles about the responsibility of the European countries who are concerned to repatriate their nationals and to try them in fair judicial terms.
European consultations to establish a special court for foreign ISIS members.
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