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Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Germany's total COVID-19 infections exceed 10 million
COVID-19-Face mask-The time of COVID/Pixabay

The Xinhua reported, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for infectious diseases said on Wednesday, the total number of COVID-19 infections reported in Germany since the start of the pandemic surged to 10.19 million.

Daily COVID-19 infections reached a new all-time high as the RKI reported 208,498 new cases on Wednesday. Germany's seven-day COVID-19 incidence rate also continued to rise and hit a new record of 1,227.5 infections per 100,000 inhabitants.

Aaccording to the German Intensive Care Availability Register (DIVI), at the same time, the number of patients treated in intensive care units (ICUs) remained at around 2,300, far below the peak of around 5,700 during the height of the second wave in early 2021.

Frankfurt in Germany/Pixabay
Frankfurt in Germany/Pixabay

The Association of Accredited Laboratories in Medicine (ALM) said on Tuesday, because of the high demand for COVID-19 tests amidst the Omicron wave, laboratories in Germany continued to be "at the limit."

Number of daily COVID-19 cases in Germany hits new record of 80,430

According to data by ALM, the number of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests conducted last week reached an all-time high of 2.44 million, of which, more than 1 million came back positive.

Germany's COVID-19 measures were extended in late January and include contact restrictions, mandatory masks in schools and public transport, and the so-called 3G rule which requires valid proof of immunization after vaccination or recovery or a recent negative test in many areas of public life.

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Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann told newspaper Rheinische Post on Wednesday: "I hope that many protective measures can be withdrawn in March."

Source: xinhua