On Independence Day: Zelenskiy says Ukraine was 'reborn' when Russia invaded
“We meet this day in different circumstances, conditions and even in different time zones, but with the only purpose - to preserve Ukraine's independence and victory!”

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy told Ukrainians on Wednesday (August 24) in an emotional speech to mark 31 years of independence that Ukraine was reborn when Russia invaded on Feb. 24 and would recapture annexed Crimea and occupied areas in the east, the Swiss Info said, Reuters reported.
Earlier, the Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine urged all Ukrainians to be particularly careful on 24 August when Ukraine celebrates its Independence Day due to the increased threat of Russian missile strikes and provocations.
"There is a heightened threat of missile strikes and other provocations, both from within the country and from the outside. Russia and Putin's regime have attacked Ukraine’s independence and the independent Ukraine," Andrii Yusov, spokesman for the Chief Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine said.
The streets of central Kyiv were unusually empty on Wednesday morning following days of dire warnings of the possibility that Russia could launch fresh missile attacks on major cities.
Ми зустрічаємо цей день у різних місцях. Хтось – в окопах і бліндажах, у танках і БМП, на морі й у повітрі. Б’ється за незалежність на передовій. Хтось – у дорозі, в авто, вантажівках і потягах. Б’ється за незалежність, доправляючи необхідне тим, хто на передовій. А хтось – у смартфоні чи за комп’ютером. І теж б’ється за незалежність – збираючи кошти, щоб тим, хто в дорозі, було що везти тим, хто на передовій. Ми зустрічаємо цей день у різних обставинах, умовах і навіть у різних часових поясах, але з єдиною метою – збереження незалежності та перемога України! Ми об’єдналися. З Днем Незалежності, Україно!
Posted by Володимир Зеленський on Tuesday, August 23, 2022
In the recorded speech aired on the six-month anniversary of Russia's Feb. 24 invasion, Zelenskiy said that Ukraine no longer saw the war ending when there was peace, but when Kyiv was actually victorious.
"A new nation appeared in the world on Feb. 24 at 4 in the morning. It was not born, but reborn. A nation that did not cry, scream or take fright. One that did not flee. Did not give up. And did not forget," he said.
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"We meet this day in different places. Someone is in the trenches and blinds, in tanks and bmp, at sea and in the air,” a Facebook statement on Zelenskiy's official account said.
“Fighting for independence at the forefront. Someone is on the road, in cars, trucks and trains. Fighting for independence, enforcing what's needed by those at the forefront. And someone is in a smartphone or a computer. “
“And also fights for independence - raising funds so that those on the way have something to carry those on the front lines.”
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“We meet this day in different circumstances, conditions and even in different time zones, but with the only purpose - to preserve Ukraine's independence and victory!”
The 44-year-old wartime leader delivered the speech in his trademark combat fatigues in front of Kyiv's central monument to independence from the Russia-controlled Soviet Union.
"What for us is the end of the war? We used to say: peace. Now we say: victory," he said.
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After nearly six months of Russian invasion of Ukraine, UNICEF has verified that at least 972 children have been killed or injured by the violence.
The escalating hostilities have also devastated the education system. UNICEF estimates that 1 in 10 schools have been damaged or destroyed.
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