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Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Indian state drug regulator orders sample checks on all oral liquid solutions
WHO report found the Maiden Pharmaceuticals medicine may be linked to the deaths of dozens of children in the African nation - Photo. Pixabay

The drug regulator of India’s Maharashtra state has ordered sample checks on all oral liquid solutions in the state, asking for reports on the levels of diethylene glycol and ethylene glycol, CNBC TV18 reported on Thursday (Oct 13).

The regulator’s direction comes a day after Indian health authorities said they had halted all production of New Delhi-based Maiden Pharmaceuticals following a WHO report that its cough and cold syrups exported to Gambia may be linked to the deaths of dozens of children there.

The WHO identified the medicines as Promethazine Oral Solution, Kofexmalin Baby Cough Syrup, Makoff Baby Cough Syrup and Magrip N Cold Syrup.

The four products had been identified in The Gambia, but "may have been distributed, through informal markets, to other countries or regions", the WHO added in the alert published on its website.

The Gambia is a small West African country, bounded by Senegal, with a narrow Atlantic coastline - Photo. Pixabay

It warned that their use may result in serious injury or death, especially among children.

WHO alert over India-made cough syrups after deaths in The Gambia

Known as a “pharmacy of the world”, India supplies 45 percent of all generic medicines to Africa.

The deaths of 69 children in The Gambia – one of the worst such incidents involving drugs from India – have come as a blow to the industry whose exports more than doubled in the last decade to hit $24.5bn last fiscal year.
