South Korean President Arrested

In an unexpected move, it was announced that the ousted South Korean President, Yoon Suk-yeol, surrendered to the police on Wednesday after evading justice since an arrest warrant was issued against him on December 31.
In a video message recorded prior to his transfer to the Anti-Corruption Agency's headquarters, the ousted President Yoon confirmed that he chose to comply with the arrest order to prevent clashes between law enforcement and the presidential security service.
He also noted in his message that "the rule of law has completely collapsed in this country," expressing his regret over the circumstances currently facing South Korea.
Although he complied with the arrest order, Yoon did not show any real cooperation with investigators, as the Anti-Corruption Agency announced that he refused to speak during the investigations.
Yoon's arrest followed the storming of the residence of the ousted President in the capital, Seoul, by hundreds of law enforcement officers, amid resistance from the presidential security service, which surrounded the home with strong barricades made of buses and barbed wire. Nevertheless, no serious clashes were reported.
On the other hand, Yoon's lawyers attempted to convince the investigative authorities not to execute the arrest warrant, stating that the president would voluntarily attend the questioning; however, the Anti-Corruption Agency insisted on enforcing the judicial decision.
The reasons behind the escalation of the situation and the arrest of the ousted Korean president lie in his declaration of martial law on December 3, which he justified as a response to anti-state opposition that was using the majority in parliament to obstruct his political agenda, while it is being investigated whether that declaration constituted an attempt at rebellion.
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