The Century Foundation: Syrians face another threat; hunger

Sam Heller, a Beirut-based researcher, analyst and fellow at The Century Foundation, wrote a full report on the new threat the Syrians face. In the report entitled "Syrians Are Going Hungry. Will the West Act?" he wrote, "After a decade of brutal conflict, Syria’s people now face another threat: hunger." Syrians
According to him, "the deterioration of Syrian food security is the product of many factors. It is, foremost, the result of an economic crisis that has overtaken Syria since 2019, and the dramatic depreciation of the national currency. Many Syrians can simply no longer afford to feed their families."
The key imports were disrupted, including wheat, he added, "and fuel, whose scarcity has affected food supply and prices. All this has been exacerbated by Western sanctions on Syria. Humanitarian assistance—itself compromised by sanctions—is not enough to compensate."
Sam explains the report slices "the factors causing Syria’s food insecurity", aiming "to identify which of them Western policymakers can usefully influence".
And as "many of the drivers of Syrian food insecurity are not within these policymakers’ power to fix," the answers seems unsatisfying. Syrians
To read the full report click below
Source: The Century Foundation
Image Source: The Century Foundation
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