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Tuesday, 11 March 2025
UN experts condemn civil society shutdown in Russia
National flag of Russia (File photo: Pixabay)

UN human rights experts on Wednesday (July 13) condemned the continued and heightened crackdown on civil society groups, human rights defenders and media outlets by Russian authorities, and called on the Government to stop the clampdown on civic space.

“Over the past decade, we have witnessed a decisive and systematic clampdown on civil society in Russia.” the experts said.

“The stigmatisation of civil society actors and human rights defenders as ‘foreign agents’, their harassment and imprisonment, shutdowns of human rights organisations, and severe restrictions on the freedoms of expression, of peaceful assembly and of association have further contributed to the closing of an already shrinking civic space,” the experts mentioned.

The experts said that "Since the outset of the invasion of Ukraine, this disturbing trend has deteriorated dramatically.”

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“As thousands came out to protest peacefully against the war, over 16,000 people, including many human rights defenders, have been detained for participating in or covering peaceful anti-war protests.”

The experts said the police in Russia have reportedly used excessive force against detained protesters and human rights defenders, including humiliating and threatening them.

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Those providing legal assistance to protesters have allegedly also been denied access to police stations and courts by law enforcement officials.

More than 60 criminal cases have reportedly been opened for "fake war news," and at least seven for "discrediting" and "calling for obstruction" of the use of the Russian armed forces, criminalized under amendments to the Criminal Code adopted on March 4.

"This law and other sweeping restrictions on freedom of expression and association in Russia are being used to silence human rights defenders, journalists, and civil society representatives," the experts said.

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According to OHCHR report, most independent Russian media outlets have closed down to avoid prosecution, or have been blocked along with dozens of foreign media.

Over 20 media outlets stopped operating or suspended their work in the country, including the Nobel Peace Prize winning newspaper Novaya Gazeta, the last independent TV channel Dozhd and radio station Echo of Moscow.

Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are also blocked, and Meta has been designated an extremist organisation and banned, the report said.

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Many other companies, including the international technology sector, are withdrawing from the Russian market due to reputational and legal risks, without necessarily taking into account the negative impacts on human rights of people left behind.

This leaves human rights defenders and civil society organizations with little access to the information and communication infrastructure vital for their work, the report noted.
