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Brazilian authorities rescue over 300 workers in slave labor
By definition, slave labor is the work that is done by enslaved people or by people who are treated as though they are enslaved - Photo. Pixabay

The Brazilian federal Public Prosecutor's Office announced on Thursday (July 28), authorities rescued 337 people working as slave laborers in a joint operation since July 4.

Known as the second "Operation Rescue" that consisted of 105 actions, it took place across 22 Brazilian states and the Federal District, and was considered the largest ever in the fight against slave labor in Brazil due to the number of agents and actions involved.

Deputy Attorney General Carlos Frederico said at a press conference that the operation showed that slave labor "is not fiction, but a reality that must be eradicated."

Most workers were rescued from coffee plantations and corn fields, while others were freed from cattle ranches.

Among the states with the highest number of people rescued were Goias with 91, Minas Gerais with 78, Acre with 37 and Rondonia with 27.


The operation brought together over 100 inspectors, 44 labor prosecutors, 150 Federal Police agents, 80 Federal Highway Police officers, 12 Public Defender's Office representatives and 10 prosecutors, according to a statement from the Public Prosecutor's Office.

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By definition, slave labor is the work that is done by enslaved people or by people who are treated as though they are enslaved.

Unfree labour, is any work relation, especially in modern or early modern history, in which people are employed against their will with the threat of destitution, detention, violence including death, or other forms of extreme hardship to either themselves or members of their families.

levantnews- xinhua