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Thursday, 13 March 2025
The world is on the brink of
child labor

According to DW, the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) warned on Thursday, with one in every 10 children working, the world is on the brink of "losing ground in the fight against child labor". The number of children working around the world has risen for the first time in 20 years. The coronavirus pandemic was threatening to push more young people towards the same fate.

The number of child laborers increased from 152 million in 2016 to 160 million, indicating that the major gains made since 2000, when 246 million children were engaged in labor, were being reversed.

The biggest increase was seen in Africa, primarily due to population growth, crises and poverty. In sub-Saharan Africa, nearly a quarter of children between the age of 5 and 17 are already in child labor, as opposed to 2.3% in Europe and North America.

DW reported agencies warned that COVID could push children already in child labor to work longer hours and under worsening conditions.

DW reported, citing co-author and UNICEF statistics specialist Claudia Cappa, "If social protection coverage slips from the current levels... as a result of austerity measures and other factors, the number of children falling into child labor can go up 46 million" by the end of next year.

Published every four years, the report showed that children between 5 and 11 years of age accounted for more than half of the global numbers.

While boys were more likely to be pulled into labor — 97 million of the 160 million child laborers — the gender gap reduced significantly when household chores performed for at least 21 hours per week were considered.

The report also showcased a rise in the number of children between 5 and 17 who were engaged in "hazardous work," like mining or working with heavy machinery, for more than 43 hours a week.

"The new estimates are a wake-up call,” DW reported, citing ILO chief Guy Ryder said in a statement.

"We cannot stand by while a new generation of children is put at risk," he said. "We are at a pivotal moment and much depends on how we respond."

The UN has made 2021 the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labor, calling for urgent action to meet a goal of ending the practice by 2025.


Source: DW

Image source: @ imago Images/Pacific Press Agency-DW