Title of the Article: Efforts for the Voluntary Return of ISIS Families from Al-Hol Camp to Iraq

One hundred fifty families from ISIS families have left Al-Hol camp in the countryside of Hasakah, heading towards Iraqi territory, amid the flight of helicopters belonging to the "international coalition." While the total number of families was larger, some families chose not to leave for safety reasons.
This step comes as part of ongoing efforts to facilitate the voluntary return of Iraqi families, as the camp administration collaborates with Iraqi authorities to organize these trips, aiming to ease the burden on the camp and improve the humanitarian conditions for families wishing to return to their original areas.
After the fall of the previous regime in Syria, the "autonomous administration" of Northern and Eastern Syria announced on January 23rd that it would open the door for the voluntary return of Syrian citizens residing in Al-Hol camp to their original areas, emphasizing the provision of all necessary facilities to ensure their safe return.
The autonomous administration clarified in a statement that this decision was made earlier in 2020; however, families residing in Al-Hol camp were afraid to return due to the presence of the Assad regime.
The Syrian Observatory documented on February 23rd the departure of 167 families from ISIS families from Al-Hol camp in northeastern Syria towards Iraq, with a total number of approximately 618 individuals.
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