US imposes sanctions on ISIS financial network

Alarabyia English reported, citing Reuters, the US on Monday (May 9) imposed sanctions on what it said was a network of five ISIS financial facilitators working across Indonesia, Syria and Turkey in support of members of the extremist group in Syria.
The US Treasury Department in a statement accused those designated of playing a key role in facilitating the travel of extremists to Syria and other areas where ISIS operates, and of conducting financial transfers to support the group's efforts in Syria-based displaced persons camps.
The Treasury said the network collects funds in Indonesia and Turkey, “some of which were used to pay for smuggling children out of the camps and delivering them to ISIS foreign fighters as potential recruits.”

Brian Nelson, the Treasury's undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, said in the statement; “The US, as part of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, is committed to denying ISIS the ability to raise and move funds across multiple jurisdictions."
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Monday's move, which targeted Dwi Dahlia Susanti, Rudi Heryadi, Ari Kardian, Muhammad Dandi Adhiguna and Dini Ramadhani, freeze any of their US assets and generally bar Americans from dealing with them.
Source: alarabyiaenglish
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