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Tuesday, 11 March 2025
Brazil sets new six-month Amazon deforestation record
Suspension bridge in the Amazon forest (File photo: Pixabay)

The INPE national space agency said Friday (July 1), deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon reached a record level during the first half of 2022.

The world’s largest tropical rainforest lost 3,750 square kilometers (1,450 square miles) of jungle since the beginning of the year, the worst numbers for that period since record-keeping began in 2016, the Alarabiya English reported, citing the AFP.

It said that the previous worst figure of 3,605 square kilometers was set last year. The new figure does not even include the final six days of June.

This year has seen the worst June in 15 years for forest fires. Monthly records were also beaten in January and February, when deforestation is usually lower, and in April.

INPE satellites identified more than 2,500 fires in the Amazon last month, the largest number since more than 3,500 were recorded in June 2007, and an 11 percent increase over June 2021.

The Amazon water lily - Pixabay

More than 7,500 fires have been recorded since the start of the year, another 17 percent increase on 2021 and the worst numbers since 2010, according to the report.

Cristiane Mazzetti, from Greenpeace Brazil: “The dry season has barely begun in the Amazon and already we’re beating environmental destruction records.”

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Environmentalists and opposition figures accuse the government of President Jair Bolsonaro of implementing policies that encourage big businesses to damage the environment.

Mariana Napolitano, of the Brazilian World Wildlife Fund, said: “The impact of this negligence will be the increasing loss of the resilience of these surroundings, not to mention the damage done to local communities and health.”

Bolsonaro has encouraged mining and farming activity in protected areas.

Amazon rainforest in Brazil hits highest levels of deforestation in over 15 years

Critics also accuse him of supporting impunity for gold prospectors, farmers and logging traffickers involved in illegal deforestation.

According to the Climate Observatory NGO, last year, the main government environmental protection body spent only 41 percent of its surveillance budget.

Source: alarabiyaenglish