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Wednesday, 19 March 2025
  • Kurdish Calls for Renaming Syria Without "Arab": Rejecting Separatism and Advocating for Inclusivity

  • The Kurdish side's statements reveal discontent with nationalistic terminology in official state names, seeing it as a marginalization of their distinct cultural and national identity
Kurdish Calls for Renaming Syria Without

Mahamoud Habib, a spokesperson for the Northern Democratic Brigade within the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), emphasized the need for a joint committee between the Syrian government and SDF to discuss the agreement between the two sides, firmly rejecting any notions of Kurdish separatism or dependence on foreign powers.

In an interview on the program "Qasari Al-Qawl" with Salam Musafir on RT Arabic, Habib stated: "The Syrian government is still, to this day, one-color, much like the Syrian National Dialogue Conference, which gathered mostly one-sided groups." He commented on the "constitutional declaration," stating it reduced the Syrian people to one segment, which faced rejection from politicians, media figures, and civil society activists.

Regarding the potential withdrawal of U.S. forces from northeastern Syria and its impact on the situation, Habib explained, "The international coalition forces are fighting ISIS, which has not been fully defeated yet, so the withdrawal is tied to that issue." He noted that "the U.S. presence has significantly contributed to improving relations between SDF and the Syrian government, paving the way for the eventual withdrawal of U.S. troops once Syria has achieved lasting peace internally and with its neighbors."

On the issue of the name "Syrian Arab Republic," Habib said, "It does not bother us, but Syria was called the Syrian Republic until 1963, and it encompassed and protected everyone. With the addition of 'Arab,' many are excluded. As a Kurdish citizen, when my passport says 'Arab Syrian,' it belittles me and my ethnic identity."